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Conversations About Design

Design Leadership & Business Strategies: The Collective

Re-Reading McLuhan John Howrey Re-Reading McLuhan John Howrey


Marshall McLuhan’s dictum, "the medium is the message," reminds us that the form of a medium embeds itself in the message, creating a symbiotic relationship by which the medium influences how the message is perceived. In today's context, this perspective holds significant importance when we talk about accessibility in design. Ensuring that technology is universally accessible sends a powerful message about inclusivity and equality in the digital era.

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Re-Reading McLuhan John Howrey Re-Reading McLuhan John Howrey

Environment and Design

Marshall McLuhan was adept at observing the interplay between media, technology, and society. Given today's pressing environmental concerns, one could imagine him delving into the ethics of design through the lens of sustainability. By considering the "message" of our modern tools and platforms, designers can have a profound impact on creating a more sustainable future.

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Re-Reading McLuhan John Howrey Re-Reading McLuhan John Howrey

Global Village Revisited

Marshall McLuhan's "global village" metaphor beautifully encapsulated the shrinking of the world through technology, where people, regardless of physical distance, could feel as close as neighbors. Today's digital landscape gives this vision more relevance than ever. But as we delve deeper, we realize that this closeness is a double-edged sword. Let's explore how design plays a role in either uniting or dividing the global village and what to consider in this evolving media landscape.

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Re-Reading McLuhan John Howrey Re-Reading McLuhan John Howrey

Algorithmic Ethics

Marshall McLuhan's belief that "the medium is the message" underscores the profound ways in which the tools and technologies we use shape our perceptions, behaviors, and society. Algorithms, as dominant mediums in the digital age, carry their own messages, influencing not just what we see, but how we think, decide, and understand the world. Here's a dive into algorithmic ethics inspired by McLuhan's insights:

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Re-Reading McLuhan John Howrey Re-Reading McLuhan John Howrey

Invisibility is in the Medium of the Beholder

Marshall McLuhan's observations about media were profound and far-reaching. He famously stated that the "medium is the message," implying that the medium itself shapes and controls the scale and form of human association and action. As design becomes more intuitive and pervasive, it tends to fade into the background, becoming "invisible." This invisibility, while beneficial in many ways, raises ethical concerns that designers must address in our interconnected, digital age.

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Re-Reading McLuhan John Howrey Re-Reading McLuhan John Howrey

Technology and Human Identity in the Digital Age

Marshall McLuhan, the media theorist known for coining the phrase "the medium is the message", was deeply interested in the ways that technology and media shape human culture and identity. In the context of our current digital age, we can extrapolate from McLuhan’s ideas to provide insight into the relationship between design, technology, and human identity.

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