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Conversations About Design

Design Leadership & Business Strategies: The Collective

How To John Howrey How To John Howrey

Top 10 Ways Designers Shape Human Cognition

Experience designers play a pivotal role in shaping how users perceive, understand, and engage with content across different mediums. Recognizing the value of diverse mediums in shaping human cognition requires understanding both the strengths and limitations of each medium and then designing in ways that leverage their synergies.

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Design Leadership John Howrey Design Leadership John Howrey

The ROI of Design Leadership: Tangible Benefits and Bottom-Line Impact

Design is no longer a mere afterthought or a decorative element; it's a crucial business strategy. In this article, we explore the tangible and intangible returns on investment (ROI) businesses can expect when they prioritize design leadership. The article aims to shed light on the bottom-line impact of design, captivating strategists and business leaders who seek to transform their organizations.

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FinTech Design John Howrey FinTech Design John Howrey

Emoji Banking & Neon Wallets: Tailoring FinTech for Gen Z

In the modern digital age, where attention spans are often likened to that of a goldfish and technology evolves in the blink of an eye, capturing the trust and loyalty of Gen Z—the first generation of true digital natives—becomes a paramount challenge for any industry. The finance sector, typically viewed as staid and conservative, stands at a crossroads.

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FinTech Design, UX Design John Howrey FinTech Design, UX Design John Howrey

The FinTech Renaissance: How Design Shapes Financial Democracy

The Renaissance, a cultural movement that spanned the 14th to the 17th century, brought with it unprecedented advancements in art, literature, and science. It was a time of rebirth, discovery, and most notably, the democratization of knowledge. Today, in the realm of finance, we are witnessing a similar rebirth. Dubbed the "FinTech Renaissance", this movement is spearheaded by technology and, importantly, design principles that aim to democratize the world of finance.

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Re-Reading McLuhan John Howrey Re-Reading McLuhan John Howrey

Digital Detox and the Ethics of Disconnection

In McLuhan's media-centric worldview, the medium is the message. This means that the very structure and nature of a medium influence how individuals think, feel, and behave. In our age of ubiquitous digital connectivity, this would suggest that our constant tethering to digital devices is shaping our consciousness in profound ways. Let's explore this through the lens of the ethics of disconnection.

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Design Leadership John Howrey Design Leadership John Howrey

Nurturing the Next Generation: The Vital Role of Design Leaders

The transformative journey I witnessed during my tenure at SCAD, watching young designers grow from novices to confident professionals, was one of pure enrichment. Yet, it's essential to understand that this metamorphosis is often not solely an individual achievement. Behind many of these success stories stand design leaders, with a wealth of experience and an unwavering commitment to nurturing talent.

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Re-Reading McLuhan John Howrey Re-Reading McLuhan John Howrey

Consumerism and Design

Marshall McLuhan's explorations on media's effect on society can be extended to understand how design, particularly in the digital realm, drives consumerism. Modern design, amplified by digital platforms, has a powerful influence over what, how, and why we consume. By examining this through McLuhan's lens, we can uncover the ethics and implications of design choices in fostering consumer behaviors.

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How To John Howrey How To John Howrey

How Designers Respect User Autonomy

Experience designers play a pivotal role in crafting how users interact with technology. Ensuring that technology is designed in a way that becomes an intimate, enhancing, and respectful part of human lives involves a deep understanding of user needs, ethics, and responsible design.

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Design Leadership John Howrey Design Leadership John Howrey

The Evolving Role of Design Leaders: From Craftsmanship to Strategy

Design, as a discipline, has always been an intriguing amalgamation of art and utility. Historically, the craft was the epicenter, with design leaders lauded for their ability to weave aesthetic brilliance into functional forms. However, as the digital age unfurled and the tapestry of businesses grew intricate, the role of design leaders began a profound metamorphosis. From artisans of visual appeal, they've become pivotal strategists, shaping the narrative of brands and driving business impact.

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Re-Reading McLuhan John Howrey Re-Reading McLuhan John Howrey

Hyperreality and Simulation

Both Marshall McLuhan and Jean Baudrillard were prophets of the media landscapes of their times. McLuhan's insights on media's influence on perception paired with Baudrillard's notions of hyperreality and simulation provide a profound lens through which we can evaluate today's world of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and simulated experiences.

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FinTech Design John Howrey FinTech Design John Howrey

Designing Trust: Why Looks Matter in Digital Banking

In the digital age, where financial transactions frequently occur without face-to-face interactions, establishing trust through digital platforms becomes a linchpin for success in the banking sector. The question then emerges: Why do users trust certain financial apps over others? A wealth of research suggests that visual design cues and user experience play a pivotal role in shaping this trust. This article aims to explore the psychological underpinnings that influence user trust and provides a compendium of evidence-based practices for creating trustworthy digital banking interfaces.

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